Experienced Legal Representation for Central MA: Call 978-482-7279

Picture of MariElizabeth

Helping You & Your Family
Find Peace

Providing Compassionate Legal Counsel
and Representation

Mari with book


I was admitted to practice law in Massachusetts in the Spring of 2000. I am a dynamic legal and nonprofit management professional with a proven track record of winning cases. My knowledge with legal practice areas involves divorce matters such as child custody, child support, alimony, division of property, child relocation, and much more.

I also work with many clients that need to plan their estate with wills and trusts and purchase or sell a home. I have extensive experience both as fundraising counsel and as in-house development staff. In recent years, I have helped nonprofit clients with a wide variety of financial enhancement efforts including campaigns, development audits, and feasibility studies.


My goal as a divorce and family law attorney is to decrease the difficulty of the process and work for the best possible outcome for you and your children. I take a special interest in the welfare of children involved in their parent's divorce cases and will give you sound legal advice regarding what you need to help make the situation easier on them. When spouses begin fighting over their children and, for example, begin using them to get information about each other — the child can become emotionally distraught and miserable. As your dedicated family law attorney, I see it as my job to clearly explain your rights and options and advise you on how to maneuver through the process to minimize conflict and confrontation.

I've helped countless families in Clinton, Massachusetts and the surrounding areas through their legal issues. Whether you need assistance with your divorce or child custody case, I will use my professional knowledge and experience to create strategies that will pursue a peaceful and positive outcome. It is my goal to help you and your family find security. When you choose to work with McKeon at Law, I am fully prepared to take charge of your case so you can focus on your family and your children. If you have a question you are not sure you need to ask me, ask anyway. No divorce case is simple. If you want a positive resolution to your situation, you will need clarity along the way — and I strive to provide that at every step.

Call 978-482-7279